The Black Knee ChroniclesVolume 3It is always difficult to know the character of our forbears, as the material of marriage certificates and wills is very sterile. The following comes from a press cutting in the "Leinster Express" of 2nd December, 1837. Death of Mr Joseph Frazer This fine young man has fallen a victim to the sanguinary disposition of the people, who are taught to look upon all who have the spirit to oppose their vicious tendencies as their enemies. Mr Frazer, it will be remembered (Leinster Express 8th July, 1837), was brutally assaulted at Clara, some months since, having bravely interposed to save a poor man from being murdered by a horde of about 200 of those cowardly savages who never put their designs in execution except when favoured by numbers and in apparent security against the slightest opposition. Mr Frazer had his skull severely fractured on that occasion, and about twenty small pieces were taken from his head; he has ever since lingered in agony without hope of life in this world until death put a period to his sufferings last week at his residence, Donecliggan, Queen's county. Mr Frazer was a gentleman possessed of many amiable qualities, as an evidence of which his heroic conduct on the occasion referred to has but too fatally testified. He was unquestionably one of the finest young men in the farfamed district of Ossary: muscular and well proportioned, much beyond the usual stature, being at least 6 feet 4 inches in height; he was distinguished by his extraordinary prowess and courageous bearing, while he was ever incapable of an unmanly or dishonourable act. He has been sacrificed in the prime of life, while his murderers still cumber the earth; and indeed it may be well said that "We shall never look on his like again". Joseph Frazer, eldest grandson of Archibald, was buried on the 24th November 1837, at Dunkerrin. He was not married; his brother Robert being our ancestor. |