This is a work in progress, and is also the beginning of a bibliography, with some links and some references:
SF = Sarah Fraser’s “The Last Highlander”
BKC = “Black Knee Chronicles”
John Murray of Tullibardine created 1st Earl of Tullibardine, married Dorothea Stewart, heiress to the Earls of Atholl
10 Jun: Birth of François Frézeau de La Frézelière, later 1st Marquis
circa: Birth of Charlotte Frézeau de La Frézelière, later wife of 1st Marquis
?: Birth of Sir George Mackenzie, later Viscount of Tarbat and 1st Earl of Cromartie
?: Birth of John Murray, 3rd Earl of Tullibardine, later 1st Marquess of Atholl
?: Birth of Thomas Fraser, of Beaufort, later 10th Lord Lovat
14 Oct: Birth of James ll and Vll
?: Birth of Reverend James Fraser of Kirkhill, laird of Phopachy
29 Jul: Birth of Reverend James Fraser of Brea
4 Nov: Birth of William, Prince of Orange, later King William III
11 Nov: Birth of William Fraser, later 12th Lord Saltoun of Abernethy
25 Jul: Birth of Archibald Campbell, 10th Earl of Argyll, later 1st Duke of Argyll
5 May: Marriage of John Murray (1st Marquess) and Lady Amelia Ann Sophia Stanley
24 Feb: Birth of John Murray, later 1st Duke of Atholl, Knowsley, England
28 May: Birth of George of Hanover, later King George I
30 Apr: Birth of Princess Mary, later Queen Mary II, with her husband William III
?: Death of Charlotte Stanley, Countess of Derby, maternal grandmother of Amelia
?: Birth of Alexander Fraser, 1st son of Thomas of Beaufort
5 Feb: Birth of Princess Anne. later Queen Anne
2 Jan: Birth of Amelia Murray, 6th child, 2nd daughter
28 Sep: Birth of Hugh Fraser, 9th Lord Lovat
circa: Birth of Alexander Fraser, eldest son of Thomas of Beaufort
?: Birth of Louise Briconnet d’Oysonville later married to Jean-François Frézeau de La Frézelière
?: Claimed birth of Simon Fraser (11th)
circa: Probable birth of Simon Fraser, 2nd son of Thomas of Beaufort, later 11th Lord Lovat
SF P3:
The future 11th Lord Lovat was born around 1670, some 550 miles north of Tower Hill, in a small manor house in the Aird of Lovat, the hub of the Scottish Highlands. The lack of a recorded date illustrates the initial inconsequence of Simon Fraser’s birth to history.
?: Death of Hugh Fraser, 8th Lord lovat
17 Apr: Birth of Jean-François Frézeau de La Frézelière, later 2nd Marquis
?: John Murray, 3rd Earl of Tullibardine, created 1st Marquess of Atholl
?: latest possible birth of Simon Fraser (11th)
10 Oct: Birth of John Campbell, 2nd Duke of Atholl
? June: Birth of Archibald Campbell, later 3rd Duke of Argyll
11 Oct: Marriage of William Fraser, 12th Lord Saltoun, to Margaret Sharp
9 Nov: Birth of Prince George, later King George II
circa: Birth of Alexander Mackenzie, later husband of Amelia and then Fraser of Fraserdale
?: Birth of Alexander Fraser, 13th Lord Saltoun of Abernethy
?: Marriage of Hugh (9th), 18 years old, to Amelia Murrray, 19 years old, with unusual contract [SF]
SF P27: Then, it asserted that any surviving child of Hugh and Amelia would take precedence over the next male heirs, who were the Beauforts. All that an heiress need do was marry someone who already bore the name of Fraser.
Oct: Revocation of the Edict of Nantes, so that protestants in France, Huguenots, were no longer protected by law, and subject to persecution.
?: Birth of Amelia, 1st daughter of Hugh (9th) and Amelia
Nov: Glorious Revolution
10 Jun: Birth of James Francis Edward Stuart, later the Old Pretender
23 Dec: James II flees to France
?: Birth of Anne Fraser, 3rd daughter of Hugh (9th) and Amelia
20 Nov: Death of Alexander Fraser, 1st son of Thomas Fraser of Beaufort [CP]
1. Alexander Fraser (b. c. 1666 ; dvp. 20 Nov 1689; bur. at Kirkhill)
?: Birth of Hugh Fraser, 1st son of Hugh (9th) and Amelia
11 Mar: Marriage of  of Jean-François Frézeau de La Frézelière, later 2nd Marquis, and Louise Briçonnet d’Oysonville
?: Birth of Catherine Fraser, 3rd daughter of Hugh (9th) and Amelia
?: Simon (11th) attends Aberdeen University, Kings College [SF]
SF P13: Simon Fraser went there later than his peers, after a gap of a few years. The young man who arrived in Aberdeen in 1691 to study was about twenty years old, high-minded, intellectually curious, charming, extremely ambitious and proud. Six foot tall in his stockinged feet, he was bright-eyed with a wide, well-shaped mouth half-smiling above a strong, set jaw.
16 Mar: Death of Hugh Fraser, 1st son of Hugh (9th) and Amelia
Winter: Simon (11th) finishes degree course, starts civil law degree [SF]
SF P17: At the end of his degree course, in the winter of 1694/95, Regent George Fraser offered Simon the chance to continue his studies in a civil law degree, an increasingly attractive route for modern clan leaders seeking to avoid blood feuds. The courts were becoming the more usual battlegrounds for defeating clan enemies, in place of the martial law of the glens. Simon began the course at Aberdeen, but then very suddenly withdrew from it.
28 Dec: Death of Queen Mary II
?: Birth of John Fraser, 2nd son of Hugh (9th) and Amelia
?: Ratification of marriage contract [SF]
SF P28: Murray presented the ratification document to Hugh Lovat, who signed it. Murray then took it to the Court of Session to be ratified in law. With the stroke of a pen, Hugh cut Simon from his place on the family tree, and was very likely handing over his inheritance to a girl.
March: John Murray created 1st (4th?) Earl of Tullibardine, later 1st Duke of Atholl
26 Mar: Hugh (9th) settles his estates on Thomas of Beaufort [SF]
SF P39: On 26 March, ‘Lord Lovat obliged’ Simon ‘to send for an attorney … Convinced of his Error, and the injury done to his own family, he … executed a Deed, in favours of Thomas Fraser of Beaufort, his Grand Uncle, Father to … Simon, upon the Failzie of Issue-male of the Marriage, and restored the Succession to the ancient Channel of the Heirs-male.
10 Aug: Death of John Fraser, 2nd son of Hugh (9th) and Amelia
6 Sep: Death of Hugh Fraser, 9th Lord Lovat [SF]
SF P41: On the morning of 6 September, the fever left the clan chief’s body and Hugh cooled down. Simon lay next to him and wrapped him in his arms. He might now start to recover, and things could be different. This crisis must cast off the Murray yoke. Hugh slept quietly. Every now and then there erupted from deep in the young man’s body a roaring, snorting breath. After one harsh intake of breath, like a wave rushing over shingle, Hugh’s heart stopped.
?: Tullibardine legally becomes trustee (guardian) of heiress Amelia [SF]
SF P42: Manipulating the Privy Council, Tullibardine obtained the gift of his niece, nine-year-old Amelia, ‘in a trustee’s name’, though the child had a mother and close Fraser kin, and did not need an externally appointed guardian. As trustee, he would manage her clan and choose her husband.
?: Simon (11th) resigns from Atholl regiment [SF]
SF P43: ‘As for the paltry company I command in your regiment … it is the greatest disgrace to which I was ever subject to be under your command, and now, if you please,’ he said, jerking his head towards a lackey in the corner, ‘you may give it to your footman.’ And out he strode, shaking with emotion. Simon resigned from Tullibardine’s regiment.
Apr: Negotiations for Simon and heiress Amelia, Amelia removed to Blair Castle by Tullibardine [SF]
SF P45: In April 1697, Simon headed to Castle Dounie to negotiate with Hugh’s widow for the hand, at puberty, of the heiress Amelia. Tullibardine reacted immediately. He ordered the girl to be whisked from her mother, the dowager Lady Lovat, and be taken to his Perthshire stronghold, Blair Castle. Simon meanwhile moved into Castle Dounie itself and sent his father to a safehouse on the Lovat Stratherrick estates.
End Sept: Saltoun seeks hand of heiress Amelia for his son [SF]
SF P47: At the end of September 1697, Saltoun and Lady Lovat’s youngest brother, Lord Mungo Murray, rode to Beauly. They looked forward to their time at Castle Dounie working out the details of a pre-nuptial agreement. They would hunt, dance and feast. The intention was then to go back via the Murray stronghold and celebrate the contract by letting the young people meet. Simon, meanwhile, hoped to dissuade Lord Saltoun from acting as go-between for Tullibardine’s schemes.
15 Oct: Simon occupies Castle Dounie [SF]
SF P51: On 15 October, days after freeing Lord Saltoun, his Frasers galloped over the hill from Fanellan. Runners fanned out across the slopes around them, like the clan’s hunting dogs, and fell on Castle Dounie. Simon ordered a guard to be placed on all the avenues to the castle ‘to prevent the Dowager from sending to her father’, or brother.
?: Simon and Amelia married by Rev Robert Munro of Abertarff [SF]
SF P52: They must marry. Lady Lovat refused. ‘He urged the more, fearing that troops’ from the Atholl Murrays ‘would march against him’. Still she would not yield.
Simon considered for a moment, then shouted for a couple of men and despatched them to Inverness. They returned after dark. In their wake, they towed an inebriated Episcopal minister on a pony, the Reverend Robert Munro of Abertarff, a ‘poor, sordid fellow’.
Parish of Abertaff
?: Second marriage by Mr William Fraser, minister of Kilmorack [SF]
SF P54: Major Fraser of Castleleathers recorded that very quickly Lady Amelia made up her own mind. ‘Whatever new light the lady had got,’ she desired her husband to ‘send for Mr William Fraser, minister of Kilmorack, to make a second marriage (not thinking the first valid)’. The hell of that night left her not knowing where she stood.
Parish of Kilmorack
Parish of Kirkhill
?: Simon and Amelia to Eileen Aigas [SF]
SF P55: When Lords Mungo and James Murray rode to Castle Dounie they found it empty. Simon and Amelia had withdrawn, with a company of armed men, to the isolation of Eilean Aigas, a wooded rocky islet in the middle of the River Beauly.
?: Amelia swore a deposition that the marriage was genuine [SF]
SF P55: Besides, she had sworn a deposition that her marriage was genuine when the Reverend James had visited them at Dounie.
?: Amelia abducted by Lord James Murray [SF]
SF P55: At Castle Dounie, James Murray greeted his sister tenderly, and asked if she was ‘lawfully married to Captain Fraser of Beaufort?’ She answered that she was. Lord James pulled away, raised his foot and ‘gave her along the belly’, yelling at her that she was a bitch. Lady Amelia doubled over. An Inverness laird, Fraser of Culduthel, rushed forward to aid her, but Murray men overpowered him. They pushed Amelia onto a horse and galloped off towards Inverness.
?: Letters of Intercommuning [SF]
SF P55: With Lady Amelia on her way to Blair Castle, Tullibardine persuaded the Privy Council and Court of Session to issue ‘Letters of Intercommuning’ forbidding anyone to ‘commune’ with the Frasers.
?: Lady Amelia refuses to deny the marriage [SF]
SF P56: Her refusal to come to court and declare she had been raped drove her family mad with frustration,
Winter: Lord James Murray, under instruction from Atholl and Tullibardine, laid waste to Fraser country [SF]
SF P58: Atholl and Tullibardine would not relent. As the winter of 1697/98 ground on, it proved impossible ‘to march against them from a town that favours them … through a country that is friendly to them, and intangled with them, without being discovered’. The Murray spy network was proving a disaster. Simon’s functioned beautifully.
Spring: Simon still at large [SF]
SF P58: Although the outlaws remained at large, the Murrays had amassed enough evidence to start their trial. Simon was cited to answer two charges: first, forced marriage and rape. Second, raising men in arms and resisting the King’s forces.
6 Sep: Thomas and Simon found guilty of rebellion - Tullibardine gets Commission of Fire and Sword [SF]
SF P59: On 6 September 1698, the court found them guilty of the capital crime of rebellion, and they were declared forfeit in King William’s name. Tullibardine got his Commission of Fire and Sword.
?: Defeat of Lords James and Mungo Murray at the Blacksmith’s Burn [SF]
SF P60: Realising late they were to be ambushed, Lord James ordered his troops to fall back towards a ‘terrible defile’, six miles in the direction of Inverness, called Allt nan Gobhar – the Blacksmith’s Burn. Alexander MacDonald guessed their goal and raced ahead of them to block the way through. The fighting men under Simon broke rank in pursuit.
?: Death of Thomas Fraser, 10th Lord Lovat
?: Death of Reverend James Fraser of Brea
Late in 1699: Simon in London again seeking a pardon from King William III [SF]
SF P63: Late in 1699, two weeks after setting out, Simon Fraser entered London for the second time in his life. It proved a wasted trip. The King had left the country and was at Loos in Flanders.
?: Simon pardoned for crimes against the Crown [SF]
SF P65: Having the deepest confidence in the counsel of Carstares and Argyll, the King agreed to pardon Simon for his crimes against the Crown and accepted the Fraser chief’s offer of devoted service. However, William refused to enter into the murky business of the forced marriage. The Crown had never charged him with it and logically William could not pardon him for it. He was happy to curb Murray ambitions, but he told Argyll he did not want to ‘disgust’ them too much.
?: Simon moved into Castle Dounie [SF]
SF P67: Simon, Lord Lovat, moved into Castle Dounie and began collecting such rents as he decently could from starving clansmen and semi-bankrupt lairds. He took debts on himself and let the ordinary tenantry off their rents for that year where he saw they had nothing.
30 Dec: Death of  of Charlotte Frézeau de La Frézelière, wife of 1st Marquis
17 Feb: Simon guilty in absentia of ‘rapt and hamesucken’ [SF]
SF P68: There were ‘such wicked and abandoned judges’, Lovat wrote, ‘the innocence of an angel of light would be to no avail!’ And Lovat was no angel. Lovat did not appear and on 17 February 1701 was found guilty in absentia. He was outlawed yet again.
?: Simon flees from Scotland to London [BKC]
BKC 1-4: Outlawed and in peril of his life, Simon fled from Scotland and came down to London. This was in 1701, and for the greater part of that year he remained in London.
23 Jun: Archibald Campbell created 1st Duke of Argyll
?: Tullibardine accepts Prestonhall proposal for marriage of heiress Amelia and son Alexander Mackenzie [SF]
SF P68: Now Sir Roderick presented the Mackenzies’ bill. He offered his son, Alexander Mackenzie, as husband to young Amelia, now rising thirteen and of marriageable age. On his ward’s behalf, Tullibardine thought about it, and accepted. It might help reduce the Frasers to obedience. It meant that Simon Fraser could never marry her and it brought the Mackenzies back on side.
16 Sep: Death of King James II & VII
Sep/Oct: Simon returns to Scotland [BKC]
BKC 1-4: But on the death of King James in September 1701, Simon risked a dash to the Highlands to get the opinions of Chiefs of Clans on the question of an armed rising to restore the Stuarts.
Feb: Simon back in London [BKC]
BKC 1-4: He was back again in London about February, 1702.
7 Mar: Simon borrowed money to go to London [SF]
SF P69: On 7 March 1702, Lovat borrowed some money from Inverness lairds and merchants and prepared to go to London to raise an action in the House of Lords against this malicious twist of fate.
8 Mar: Death of King William III, then Queen Anne [SF]
SF P69: The next day at Richmond Park, William III’s horse put his hoof into a molehill, stumbled and threw its rider. The King broke his collar bone and contracted a chest infection. Two weeks later he was dead. Lovat had not even left Inverness.
April: Marriage of Amelia Fraser (16 yrs old?) to Alexander Mackenzie of Prestonhall, later Fraser of Fraserdale [AC]
AC1 P494: In April two marriages took place in the family at Dunkeld, the first being between young Lady Lovat and Mr. Alexander Mackenzie, who on his marriage took the name of Fraser, and was thereafter known as Fraser of Fraserdale.
3 May: Death of François Frézeau de La Frézelière, 1st Marquis
Jun: Simon leaves for France [BKC]
BKC 1-4: but ultimately he set out at the end of May or early in June . . . .
Mid-Jul: Simon in Paris [BKC]
BKC 1-4: . . . and reached Paris about mid-July.
?: Queen Anne’s men friendly with St Germains [SF]
SF P79: Many of the most powerful men in Queen Anne’s administration – Godolphin, Marlborough, Bolingbroke, Ormonde – engaged in friendly communications with St Germains.
23 Oct: Burning of 12 French merchant ships [BKC]
BKC 1-5: The burning of the treasure ships which so upset Louis XIV, was the news dated 23 October 1702, which is reported from Paris in the London Gazette of 27 October, that "Admiral Benbow has burned 10 or 12 French merchant ships of great value".
Oct/Nov: 1st letter from Sir John Maclean, Simon’s wife with the Macleans [BKC]
BKC 1-6: The Goodwife longs for your return and so does your wife far removed to ane other familye for the (? she) disturbed was (? is) too much
Nov: 2nd letter from Sir John Maclean, wife has left [BKC]
BKC 1-6: My wife is your humble and your wife has decamped to her former Lodgeing with fire and sword before I came from Paris
Autumn: Simon granted private audience with Louis XIV [SF]
SF P81: Lovat’s persistence had paid off. In the autumn of 1702, he had heard that Louis XIV would grant him a private audience. Immediately Lovat started penning a grandiloquent harangue for the edification of ‘The Greatest Prince in the Universe’ from the self-appointed spokesman of his Scottish allies – les chefs des tribus montagnards – the chiefs of the Highland clans.
2 Dec: Court of Session supports heiress Amelia Fraser as Lady Lovat
?: Prestonhall gains rights to Lovat estates [SF]
SF P88: The Lovat estates did not pay – Sir Roderick must have instructed his son to default – and Sir Roderick raised an action before his legal brethren (including his brother) to claim the assets of the Lovat estates in lieu of the money he was owed. He won. Sir Roderick Mackenzie was judged to be ‘in rights of the Lovat estates’. Ostensibly, Sir Roderick had dispossessed his own son, daughter-in-law and grandsons.
Mackenzie had trumped them all, both the male heir, Simon, Lord Lovat, and Amelia’s ambitious Uncle John, the Duke of Atholl.
?: Death of John Murray, 1st Marquess of Atholl
?: Birth of Hugh Fraser, son of Alexander Mackenzie and Amelia Fraser
?: John Murray, 2nd Marquess of Atholl, created Duke of Atholl
?: Atholl and Earl of Cromartie (formerly Tarbat) now joint Scottish Secretary of State [SF]
SF P95: Lovat’s men told him the Duke of Atholl was often with Hamilton, although Atholl, who now held the post of joint Scottish Secretary of State with the Earl of Cromartie (formerly Viscount Tarbat), was a member of the Court Party under the Queen’s High Commissioner, the Duke of Queensberry.”
Early: Simon converts to Catholicism [SF]
SF P81: By early the following year, Lovat was writing to Italy to offer the Pope his service to the Holy Mother Church ‘to the spilling of my blood … With this object I go to hazard my life and my family.’ The Pope replied, thanking Lovat and welcoming him into the Church of Rome.
Spring: Simon funded to return to Scotland [SF]
SF P89: By the spring of 1703, Middleton gave it to him, recommending that Louis XIV send the clan chief back home to obtain proof of the situation on the ground. Louis agreed and requested that Lovat obtain written pledges from the Highland chiefs that they would rise if France invaded..
May: Simon and Johny Murray leave St Germains [SF]
SF P91: Lovat and Johnny Murray left St Germains in May 1703, accompanied by Major George Fraser, Colonel Graham and servants. Lovat knew he faced major obstacles.
12 June: In London [SF]
SF P92: By 12 June, Lovat had already gathered intelligence from the capital
11 Aug: Queensberry writes to Queen Anne about an informant [SF]
SF P100: On 11 August, Queensberry wrote to Queen Anne. The informant was a man of rank, who had personal dealings with the exiled royal family, and with Louis XIV. ‘If that person shall apply to me and be willing to own what he has said, how shall I use him?’ he asked her Majesty.
25 Sep: Death of Archibald Campbell, 1st Duke of Argyll
Nov: Sir John MacLean arrested [SF]
SF P108: It only added to his troubles when he was told that Sir John MacLean, his wife and family, a few servants and the spy, Mrs Fox, had fled France, landing on the Kentish coast near Folkestone, and been immediately arrested.
Nov: Simon back to Rotterdam [SF]
SF P111: Lovat and his small party of Fraser men had left on the King William, bound for Rotterdam.
Dec: Simon back in Paris [SF]
SF P113: The Fraser party arrived in Paris on Christmas Eve, and settled at lodgings in a suburb of the city.
6 Dec: Birth of Hilarion Frézeau de La Frézelière
14 Feb: James Murray, Middleton’s spy, arrives in Paris [SF]
SF P115: It got worse when Middleton’s spy, James Murray, arrived in the capital on 14 February. Lord Lovat was ‘wicked, dangerous and notoriously to be suspected’, Murray reported. Johnny Murray knew all this, said the Middleton spy, so Lovat had had him killed.
27 May: Simon, brother John and pageboy leaves Paris for Bourges [SF]
SF P118: He and his brother John, with Lovat’s pageboy, sloped out of Paris at midnight on 27 May 1704. Lovat was banished to Bourges . . .
Jul: Simon imprisoned at Angoulême [SF]
SF P121: He sweated through July into August 1704.
? Sir Roderick Mackenzie sets to remove Fraser name from Lovat [SF]
SF P121: ‘shall think fit, in the place of the surname of Fraser, to carry the surname of Mackenzie, and to alter the … coat of arms’
01 May: Union of England and Scotland [SF]
SF P122: At the beginning of 1707, the bill for a treaty of full Union between the Kingdom of England (including Wales) and the Kingdom of Scotland was forced through the Scottish Parliament.
14 Aug: Simon moved to Saumur accompanied by brother John [SF]
SF P123: On 14 August, after three years in gaol, Lovat finally received an order to move – to Saumur on the River Loire.
SF P123: Lovat’s brother and heir, John, whom he hailed as the ‘Chevalier Frezel of Lovat’, visited again, and accompanied him to Saumur.
Early: John to Paris for orders [SF]
SF P123: In early 1708, John rode to Paris to await orders to join the invasion. Lord Lovat was ordered to stay where he was. Within a month they would be back, ‘after the entire failure of the unfortunate enterprise’.
?: Death of Reverend James Fraser of Kirkhill
27 Sep: France and England agree on peace [SF]
SF P125: On 27 September, France and England agreed to preliminary articles of peace.
10 Oct: Death of Jean-François Frézeau de La Frézelière, 2nd Marquis
?: France and England peace agreement signed [SF]
SF P126: The following year, a peace agreement was signed.
4 Jan: Death of Sir Roderick Mackenzie of Prestonhall
?: Simon sent brother John home [SF]
SF P126: In 1713, Lovat again sent his brother John home to keep his family’s presence there alive. Lovat loaded John with letters,
Jul: Arrival at Saumur of Major James Fraser of Castleleathers [SF]
SF P126: . . .and a man in thick tartan breeches walked in and greeted him in Gaelic. It was Castleleathers.
?: Death of Sir George Mackenzie, Tarbat and Cromartie
1 Aug: Death of Queen Anne, last of the Stuarts, succeeded by George I of Hanover
14 Nov: Simon and Castleleathers leave from Boulogne for Dover [SF]
SF P132: With some trepidation, Lovat gave in. He sold his possessions and accompanied Castleleathers to the French coast at Boulogne. England was a mere twenty-five miles away.
?: Ligonier’s Regiment sent to Ireland
18 Mar: Death of William Fraser, 12h Lord Saltoun of Abernethy
Jun: Simon and Castleleathers detained by troops under the Duke of Montrose [SF]
SF P137: In the middle of a June night, troops under the Duke of Montrose’s direction ran them to ground in a house off Soho Square.
End Jul: Simon gets pass to travel to Scotland [BKC]
BKC 3-3: At last in July 1715 a pass to Scotland was secured. No pardon from the King had yet been secured, so the party had to go incognito . . .
6 Sep: Start of 1715 rebellion [SF]
SF P138: On 6 September 1715, the Earl of Mar raised his standard at Braemar and declared for ‘King James III and VIII’. The rebellion so long dreaded and rumoured, had started.
13 Sep: Inverness falls to Jacobites [SF]
SF P141: On 13 September, just a week after Mar raised his baubled standard, Inverness fell into Jacobite hands.
Sep: Simon bailed [SF]
SF P141: Lovat was bailed from the sponging house by his old Fraser allies, and the men who hoped to benefit by his presence in the north. But the bail came with conditions. First, he must wait in London until October.
12 Nov: Hanoverians occupied Inverness [SF]
SF P155: The Hanoverians occupied Inverness on 12 November.
8 Jan: James Stuart in Scotland [SF]
SF P165: In the middle of these negotiations James Stuart appeared – long expected, but in the end unannounced. A poor seaman, he landed at last at Peterhead near Aberdeen, in the north-east corner of Scotland. On 8 January 1716, he addressed the Earl of Huntly.
Feb: James Stuart returned to Lorraine [SF]
SF P172: Lovat’s ambitions simplified early in February 1716 when James Stuart and his leading advisers slipped out of Montrose Bay on the Maria Theresa and returned to Lorraine.
10 Mar: George I signs pardon for Simon [SF]
    SF P174: Argyll and Ilay had the King’s ear though, and on 10 March, George I signed the document that left Lord Lovat a free, lawful, British subject for the first time in nearly twenty years. Written in Latin, it pardoned him and enumerated all the crimes for which it would be rescinded.
8 Jun: Simon’s appointments from the King [SF]
SF P176: On 8 June news came to Lovat that the King was ‘pleased to appoint him Governor of the Castle and Fort of Inverness’, and captain of an Independent Company of Foot.
? Jun: Death of Simon’s brother, John [SF]
SF P180: Whilst in London, Lovat received news of the death of his brother, John.
23 Jun: Simon had private audience with King [SF]
SF P182: On Saturday 23 June, Lovat wrote to Duncan Forbes explaining, ‘I had a private audience of King George this day … No man ever spoke freer language to his Majesty and the Prince than I of our two great friends,’
28 Jun: King sacked Argyll and Ilay [SF]
SF P183: However, on 28 June 1716, this Highland hegemony they were all constructing – Argyll, Ilay, the Forbeses, the Grants and Lovat – was rocked to the foundations when the King sacked Argyll and Ilay.
Dec: Marriage of Simon (11th) and Margaret Grant [SF] [CP]
In the depths of December 1716, the bridegroom, his servants, important household officers, and a tail of gentlemen of the clan set out from Castle Dounie for Castle Grant.
?: Marriage of Simon (11th) and Margaret Grant
5 Apr: Simon letter to gentlemen of the Clan - little French boy [BKC]
BKC 3-2: . . .and in a postscript he says "Not being able to write myself, I did dictate the above letter to the little French boy who is my servant."
31 Jun: Letter to Simon from Marquise de la Frezeliere - enfant de l’amour [BKC]
BKC 3-3: . . . de l'enfant baptisé sous votre illustre nom.
14 Dec: Death of John Murray, 1st Duke of Atholl, Huntingtower Castle
19 Oct: Birth of Simon, eldest legitimate son of Simon (11th) [CP]
11 Jun: Death of George I, succeeded by son George II
?: Death of Margaret (Grant), wife of Simon (11th), in childbirth
1 Jul: Baptism of Alexander, 2nd legitimate son of Simon (11th)
3 Jul: Court of Session awards Simon (11th) title to Lord Lovat
14 Dec: Death of Anne Fraser, 3rd daughter of Hugh (9th) and Amelia
aft 9 Jul: Marriage of Simon (11th) and Primrose Campbell (CP)
Sep: Ligonier’s Horse Regiment shipped to Ghent
6 May: Death of Amelia Fraser (Murray), Dowager Lady Lovat
27 Jun: Ligonier’s Horse fought at Dettingen
4 Oct: Death of John Campbell, 2nd Duke of Argyll
11 May: Ligonier’s Horse fought at Fontenoy
19 Aug: Start of ’45 Rebellion
19 Dec: Four troops of Ligoniers recalled to England and fought at Clifton Moor against the Jacobites
16 Apr: Culloden Moor and end of ’45 Rebellion
June: Capture of Simon (11th) at Lock Morar
?: Ligonier’s Regiment returned to Ireland [BKC6]
14 Dec: Ligonier’s Horse changed from 8th Horse to 4th Horse
7 Mar: Commencement of trial before the House of Lords of Simon Fraser, 11th Lord Lovat, for treason
18 Mar: Found guilty and sentence of death pronounced on the next day
9 Apr: Death of Simon Fraser, 11th Lord Lovat, beheaded at the Tower of London [CP]
9 Apr 1747 (bur. in the Church of St Peter-ad-Vincula in the Tower of London)
6 Apr: Grant of goods of William Whitehead of Dunnacleggan to Ruth Whitehead
24 Jul: Death of Alexander Fraser, 13th Lord Saltoun of Abernethy
25 Feb: Marriage bond and licence Archibald Frazer and Ruth Whitehead
?: Birth of Joseph Frazer, eldest son of Archibald Frazer
9 Feb: Death of Sybilla Fraser, youngest daughter of Simon (11th) CP
3 Jun: Death of Alexander Mackenzie, Fraser of Fraserdale
?:  Birth of Robert Frazer, second son of Archibald Frazer, and ancestor
25 Oct: Death of George II, succeeded by grandson George III
15 Apr: Death of Archibald Campbell, 3rd Duke of Argyll
7 Aug: Death of Alexander Fraser, second legitimate son of Simon (11th) CP
22 Aug: Death of Amelia Fraser
14 Apr: Death of Janet Fraser, eldest daughter of Simon (11th) CP
1 Jan: Death of James Stuart, the Old Pretender
39 Nov: Death Hugh Fraser, son of Alexander Mackenzie and Amelia Fraser
4 Mar: Death of Catherine Fraser, 4th daughter of Hugh (9th) and Amelia
8 Feb: Death of Simon, eldest legitimate son of Simon (11th)